4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Selling Your RV Right Now

Ask yourself this: are you really making the best use of your RV? So many people hold on to their recreational trucks and trailers much longer than they want them without realizing how simple it is to consign a used RV.

Below are four great reasons to take advantage of Nohr’s RV Consignments process and unload your used RV. 

1. You haven’t used it in a while.

How often do you take trips in your RV?

Think of it this way:

Unless you bought your RV with cash, you’re probably still making monthly payments on it. If you’re considering consignment, it’s probably either sitting in your driveway unused (or in a storage lot that also charges you monthly). Wouldn’t you feel better letting go of those extra monthly expenses?

For many people, the ability to walk out of their houses, load up their RVs, and escape whenever they feel like it is well worth the cost of upkeep and storage. 

For others, the answer lies not in getting rid of their RV entirely, but in trading it in for a smaller or newer model with fewer upkeep and maintenance needs. This could be a great option if you want to reduce your monthly payments without letting go of the RV lifestyle. 

If you’re on the fence, run some math. 

How much does your RV cost per year? And how much you would spend on hotels and other travel expenses if you were to take the exact same number of trips every year? 

Compare this with the costs from a newer or smaller RV to get a full picture of your best options. 

2. Summer is RV season.

RV sales spike every summer, and this summer is no exception. If you’ve been considering letting go of your RV, now is a great time to take the leap.

Selling in the spring or summer months results in quicker sales, as compared to selling your used RV during the fall and winter months. Selling during high-demand months also means you can get a higher sale price. 

3. It will likely fetch a higher price than usual.

Speaking of high-demand, there’s another reason to try selling your RV unit as soon as possible. 

With COVID, airline ticket sales are practically nonexistent, which means vacationers are turning to land travel for their getaways. RVs are currently in higher demand than they usually would be, even during busy summers. So if you’re selling, you’re likely to get more than a fair price. 

As things get back to normal, airline business could pick up and RV sales might return to their usual levels, so right now is a prime opportunity to get some extra cash if you were already planning on selling. 

4. It’s incredibly easy to sell your RV with the right help.

Plenty of folks feel discouraged or intimidated by the thought of selling. And indeed, it can be a complicated ordeal if you go it alone. You have to list your unit for sale, field tons of phone calls from strangers, and give tours to people who may or may not ever pull the trigger and decide to buy. 

With RV consignment, on the other hand, we handle all the hassles for you, including:

  • Appraisal
  • Repairs
  • Advertising
  • Financing
  • Paperwork

We focus on making your RV sale easier and more secure so you can reap the benefits without exposing yourself to the risks. To get started, contact Nohr’s RV Center online or call our consignment manager at (209) 481-5408.

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